Israel's Channel 2: Deal on 'settlement freeze'

Israel's Channel 2 television reported this evening (Thursday) that a deal has been reached on a 'settlement freeze.' Well,
sort of.
According to the reported deal, construction in east Jerusalem will continue, as will the building of 2,500 West Bank housing units already underway.
The building of community centers in settlements will also be allowed, according to Channel 2.
Apart from the above, there will be a nine-month settlement freeze, according to the report.
In exchange, Israel will reportedly get commercial representation in Gulf states.
However, the TV channel claimed that there was still no agreement on what will happen regarding settlement construction after the nine-month freeze, or on Israel being allowed to use Arab states' airspace.
As Yogi Berra used to say, it ain't over 'til it's over. Until it's all agreed and the Arab states and their 'Palestinian' clients agree, there's no deal.
Its a reported deal. Nine months is far too long. And renewed Israeli commercial representation in the Gulf Arab emirates is too high a price to psy for forfeiting Jewish rights to Yesha. The government should just drop this entire fiasco.
What could go wrong indeed
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