Marwan Barghouti's appeal to 'Palestinians'

Rather than dismissing the atrocities Barghouti committed or treat his record as incidental to his prospects, as his apologists do, it is vital to understand that it is precisely because of his willingness to wantonly slaughter innocents on the streets of Tel Aviv that this man is a hero to his fellow Palestinians. The gruesome dynamic of Palestinian political culture rewards those who kill Jews and penalizes those who do not. Fatah’s need to compete with Hamas on this front required former leader Yasser Arafat to launch a terrorist offensive in which his own party’s stalwarts could emerge with the requisite amount of Jewish blood on their hands. Hence his decision to authorize the formation of a “new” terrorist group—the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade—and the decision to let Barghouti’s Tanzim group take part in terror attacks on Israeli civilians during the second intifada.There's much more at work here. It's not just that the 'Palestinians' love Barghouti because he was Jewish blood on his hands. It's that they love him because they hope that he will continue to have fresh Jewish blood on his hands in the future.
Survey after survey shows that the 'Palestinians' continue to support (or condone when they feel that support is harmful to their interests) terror attacks against Jews. Most 'Palestinians' don't want peace - if they did, we would have reached a peace agreement a long time ago. They want to continue murdering Jews. The demand for a 'state' is just a way-station along the way to destroying the Jewish state. And Barghouti, the terrorist with blood on his hands (and lots more blood than those people at Seafood Restaurant in Tel Aviv), is the perfect leader to destroy the Jewish state.
The man is a terrorist and a murderer. He should be executed to avoid the temptation to release him.
And as long Israel abjures the Torah, she will have no peace in her land. G-d put the Palestinians there to see to that unless Israel repents and returns to Him.
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