Abu Mazen: 'Talking to Hamas is inevitable, but not to Israel'

Moderate' '
Palestinian' President
Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen told his cabinet in Ramallah on Monday that negotiations with Hamas are '
inevitable,' but negotiations with Israel are not.
"National dialogue [with Hamas] is inevitable and we are prepared for it," Abbas told the cabinet ministers, adding that presidential and parliamentary elections would be held on time in January 2010.
Abbas reconfirmed that he would not return to the negotiating table with Israel unless all settlement activities, including "natural growth," were halted.
"We're not setting conditions on anyone," he explained. "This is the demand of the international community. If Israel fulfills its commitments in line with the Road Map plan, we will be prepared to resume the talks from the point where they ended under the previous government of Ehud Olmert."
What could go wrong?
They are setting conditions on talks with Israel but make no demands on Hamas. This tells Israelis what Fatah really values. And it isn't peace with Israel.
he does not need to talk to israel, because he and obama have already decided what they are going to do, declare palestine and state, and drop us troops there, i hope netanyahu knows this, and makes it impossible for the us to enter into a military engagement against israel, this strategy is what his advisors, like samantha powers, have publically advocated.
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