I got mail

As some of you may have noticed, I've done several posts decrying the awarding of the medal of freedom to Mary Robinson on Wednesday afternoon. On Wednesday morning, I was shocked to receive a package of material supporting Mary Robinson - and offering more - from a Washington communications firm whose name I did not recognize. I get about 100,000 hits per month these days, which doesn't exactly put me in a league with the big conservative blogs. It's not every day that a PR firm bothers to send me lots of material. Now, I know
who the PR firm is:
So it’s no surprise that the group’s PR agency, Rabinowitz/Dorf Communications, has been working to support Robinson’s award, writing in an e-mail that “not everyone is critical of President Obama giving the Freedom medal to Mary Robinson.” The e-mail goes on to provide supportive testimonials from two “prominent Jewish supporters” of Robinson. The bigger question is whether J Street will ever be critical of anyone who hates Israel. It seems unlikely.
Indeed. And unfortunately if they're sending that email to bloggers in my league, they must have an almost limitless budget.
Check out this post on the J Street Money Trail. Be sure to check out the links. It's very informative. http://myrightword.blogspot.com/2009/08/follow-j-street-money-trail.html
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