Russia: 'If you don't want us to sell the S-300 to Iran, you buy it'

Russian officials told Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman during his recent visit to Moscow that if Israel wanted to stop the sale it would need to buy the system in place of Iran or find an alternative customer.Ouch. I guess the Russians need the money.
Defense officials said Israel had no intention in purchasing the system.
Welcome Ace of Spades readers.
long time no talk my friend, its nice to see you been keepinh busy. the page looks great, I started a new page and linked to ya.
The world is so upside down right now--here's Russia practicing bald faced capitalism. Is the system any good? Will it work? That's always a question with Russian goods. Can Israel learn anything from this technology?
This is all like a Purim Shpiel, just watch it all unfold into a farce, while we watch our own actions closely so that it does become a farce instead of a tragedy.
I'm sure that Israel already knows if this system works or not. It probably works sometimes and maybe not as well as advertised but well enough to have some effectiveness.
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