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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Krauthammer on Obama's arms reduction agreement with the Russians

Charles Krauthammer weighs in on President Obama's arms reduction agreement with the Russians.
That was the deal that Obama really was lusting after as a way to come home and to wave a diplomatic success.

The problem is that any deal on offensive nuclear weaponry is either useless or a detriment to the United States:

Useless because it makes no difference above a certain level how many warheads you have. We could suspend our negotiations today and say to the Russians: You can construct as many warheads as you want and spend yourselves into penury, as the Soviets did, to make weapons that are redundant, that will do nothing more than make the rubble bounce, as Churchill once said memorably.

It could be a detriment because the Russians have insisted on linkage between offensive and defensive weaponry. The reason it's a detriment is because we have a huge technological advantage on defensive weaponry. We can shoot down a missile. The Russians can't.

For 25 years, the Russians have attempted to get a curb on American defensive weaponry, starting at Reykjavik, where Gorbachev attempted to swindle Reagan out of our strategic defenses. Reagan said no. Bush 1 said no. Clinton said no. And Bush 2 said no.

Obama is wavering on this, and I think it could be a real catastrophe if he concedes. He already is wavering on the missile shield in Eastern Europe. Medvedev said we [he and Obama] agreed on linkage, and Obama himself had said it would be the subject of extensive negotiations.

Why negotiations with the Russians over a shield in the Czech Republic and Poland?
Why? Because Bush considered the Czech Republic and Poland (and a bunch of other countries) to be American allies. The anti-Bush has to prove otherwise.


At 12:13 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

For Obama, America's allies and commitments are expendable.

What could go wrong indeed


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