Aren't we supposed to be allies?

statement (albeit from a different source) was one of the things I had on the screen to post when I went down with (probably swine) flu on Wednesday. It's the statement of the Orthodox Union's Stephen Savitsky after Monday's meeting at the White House:
The Orthodox Union subscribes to the serious concern, expressed by several participants in the meeting, that the Administration has allowed a perception to develop that the onus for progress toward peace between Israel and Arabs lies with Israel, and also that the U.S. is pressuring Israel to undertake various steps while demanding little of the Palestinians or other Arab governments. We welcome the President’s recognition that this perception gap is problematic and his stated intention to recalibrate his Administration’s actions in the coming weeks to make clear that the U.S. insists that concrete steps – with regard to incitement and other anti-Israel activities – must be taken by the Palestinians and others.
However, while the President’s acknowledgment of this /perception/ gap is encouraging, the Orthodox Union remains deeply troubled by the President’s underlying approach - which is to have the U.S. play an “evenhanded” role. The Orthodox Union asks our President to recognize that there are no moral equivalencies between Israel, which has acted time and again to defend itself while actively seeking peace, and those who reject Israel’s legitimacy and make war against her. We look to the United States to be Israel’s friend in a world of enemies and we support the view, expressed to the President in our meeting, that while allies may of course disagree on specifics, there ought not be significant “daylight” between the United States and Israel that would give the nations’ mutual enemies comfort and encouragement.
The US gave Israel a demarche on Jerusalem. It would not dream of making a demand on Iran on its brutal suppression of its own people's aspirations.
So who is the ally and who is the enemy here?
Hopenchange, any one?
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