Good luck with that

United States Senator John Kerry said Wednesday that the new U.S. administration plans to take a new tack in the effort to disarm Lebanese terrorist group Hizbullah, by asking Syria to join the effort. Syria is the sponsor of Hizbullah and provides the group with weapons.Good luck with that.
"We want Syria to respect the political independence of Lebanon, we want Syria to help in the process of resolving issues with Hizbullah and the Palestinians,” Kerry said.
President Barack Obama's administration will “engage in a discussion,” Kerry said. However, the administration will hold dialogue “without any illusion, without any naivety, without any misplaced belief that, just by talking, things will automatically happen,” he assured.
Another American visitor to Beirut has been mugged by the Syrians.
He's kidding, right? The same Syrians who are Hezbollah's sponsor as well as the actor responsible for Rafik Hariri's assassination a couple of years ago, will disarm them?
The chinless opthalmologist in Damascus must laughing himself to death over John Kerry's naivete.
Ace@ Ace of Spades has the story about Hitchens since he was in Lebanon with Hitchens. Very interesting story about Syrian Nazi Party.
Are they actually insane?
Kerry is a symptom of the malaise.
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