Obama's not the second coming of John Kennedy
Democratic Presidential candidate Barack
Hussein Obama likes to think he's the second coming of President John F. Kennedy. Some
members of the Kennedy family have encouraged him to think that way. Cal Thomas
blows the comparison to smithereens.
Kennedy understood that evil exists in the world. He saw it in World War II as his generation defeated the evil that gripped Europe and Japan. And he witnessed it as president when Nikita Khruschchev approved building the Berlin Wall and installation of Soviet missiles in Cuba, acts that flowed from Khrusch-chev's perception that the young president was weak and inexperienced.
Mr. Obama thinks he can negotiate with evil and transform evil into something else. Initially his foreign policy platform was a naive pledge to meet "unconditionally" with the leaders of Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba and other nations dominated by dictators. In recent days he has changed his tune somewhat. He would still meet with the heads of these mini evil empires without preconditions, but "there must be careful preparation. We will set a clear agenda."
This leads to an important question: On what basis does a free nation negotiate with nations that are not free? Does Mr. Obama expect leaders who got where they are by undemocratic, even violent, means to embrace press freedom, religious liberty, political pluralism and rights for women? What would evil leaders demand of him? Any concession given to dictators, who are not known for keeping their promises, would surely result in the United States being taken less seriously and contribute to undermining our national security.
Mr. Obama's "strategy" for dealing with evil is the progeny of a secular age that sees everything bad as curable through counseling, good intentions masquerading as wishful thinking and/or pharmaceutical intervention. Prosperity and a sense of entitlement have dulled our senses to what evil looks like. These days, evil is the party to which you don't belong and the ideology to which you do not subscribe.
Evil has a definition. Dictionary.com calls it: "morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked." There is a presumption contained in this definition. It is that a standard exists by which evil (and its opposite, good) may be judged. Too many of us have been taught in government schools and by contemporary culture that such notions belong to another, less sophisticated era. In the Internet age "evil" has become extinct.
One need only consider the flaunted immorality of "Sex and the City" to get the point. Women my grandmother would have labeled "sluts" are now regarded as New York sophisticates who change men as rapidly as they change clothes, during the short breaks between sexual trysts when they bother to wear clothes at all.
In place of an immutable standard, it is in self we trust, not God (Heaven, "if it exists," forbid).
Mr. Obama's only foreign policy strategy seems to be diplomacy, not the defeat of evil. Such an approach when not supported by a credible threat of military power is bound to encourage more evil, not less. Mr. Obama debunks the value of experience, claiming the experience of President Bush and John McCain got us into the lengthy Iraq war.
That war didn't start in Iraq and it won't end there, even if our objectives are achieved. Those objectives are closer to being realized than they were a year ago, but Mr. Obama and his fellow Democrats cannot acknowledge progress because they are preoccupied with victory at the polls more than victory over evil.
Read the whole thing.
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The post-modern Left cannot admit the existence of universal morality. It cannot admit the world cannot be perfected, unaided by human efforts alone. And it cannot bring itself to realize the conflict between freedom and despotism is eternal. In every generation, Man faces a choice of good versus evil. Those who do not have their eyes closed to the true nature of the world know there can be only one answer. Obama in short, is more the second coming of Jimmy Carter than he is the second coming of John F. Kennedy.
Read Democrats and Our Enemies, by Senator Lieberman.
However, I think he's wrong about Clinton/Gore and the Balkans but that's another subject.
Far too many Americans do not really want a president.
They want an idol, a god, a savior. Someone whom they can worship and who can relieve them of the chore of thinking for themselves.
The more that person sounds like a preacher the more likely he will win over the worshipping masses.
They are quite willing to forsake their hard won democracy for such a messiah.
Carl - I hope that you will consider this very revealing article on "The smoke of Obama's 'intelligence'" worthy of posting on your site: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2008/05/obama-mythical.html
Here's the summary:
Much has been written about Obama's "mythical intelligence" by a media completely in the tank for the boy blunder. His intelligence is , in fact, a myth. Atlas reader Carolyn wrote an excellent piece peeling back the layers of the mendacious narrative to uncover what a lightweight the Soros stooge really is. She describes the unmeritorious means Obama used to achieve his goals - particularly President of the Law Review. When I was in Washington yesterday we were discussing this little mentioned truth - Obama's year as President produced little worthwhile or significant. Obama's year is the least cited review. He produced nothing of import.
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