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Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Assad has defense minister executed

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had defense minister Ali Habib (middle in the picture at top left) executed within a day after he was fired, according to Syrian opposition websites. Habib was fired on Monday.
Websites affiliated with Syrian opposition gropus reported on Tuesday that General Ali Habib was found dead in his home a day after he was dismissed as defense minister. On Monday, Syrian President Bashar Assad appointed army chief Dawood Rajha to replace Habib.

The SANA news agency reported Monday that Habib had been suffering from a deterioration in his health.

The report of his death has yet to be confirmed by any major Arab news outlet.

Since word of his ouster became public, many rumors surrounding the issue have surfaced. London-based daily al-Sharq al-Awsat reported that Habib was replaced due to his objection to allow military forces into Hama, which has suffered brutal army attacks in the past week.

Opposition websites also quoted Syria TV reports allegedly suggesting that Habib had died a natural death.
Assad's message to the world is that the only way to stop him is by force. Will anyone step up to the plate and take him on?

What could go wrong?


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At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they throw him a good-bye office party before capping him? Nothing says, "I'm deeply disappointed in your management performance" than getting snuffed. Job review with extreme prejudice.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Agim Zabeli said...

"Syria TV reports allegedly suggesting that Habib had died a natural death."

Well I guess he did. Sort of.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Empress Trudy said...

David Cameron busily taking notes....

At 4:35 AM, Blogger SportsGuy said...

"The SANA news agency reported Monday that Habib had been suffering from a deterioration in his health. "

Well that is a nifty new euphemism: "suffered from a deterioration in his health".

At 5:02 AM, Blogger GMT -5 (Hugh) said...

Natural causes. Yes, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage...probably a 9mm cerebral hemorrhage.

At 5:03 AM, Blogger GMT -5 (Hugh) said...

He died of a cerebral hemorrhage...a 9mm cerebral hemorrhage.

At 5:04 AM, Blogger GMT -5 (Hugh) said...

He died of a cerebral hemorrhage; a 9mm cerebral hemorrhage.


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