IDF: Lebanese journalists tipped off something was going to happen

The IDF claims that journalists and photographers on the Lebanese side of the border were
briefed in advance regarding the intent to ambush IDF troops on Tuesday, and that's why so many of them were present.
The killed correspondent, Assaf Abu Rahal, worked for Hezbollah-affiliated Beirut daily al-Akhbar.
Another journalist, Ali Shuaib from Hezbollah's al-Manar station, was wounded in the incident and was taken to hospital for treatment.
IDF officials raised questions about the presence of journalists and even broadcast trucks at the scene even before the clash ensued, charging this further reinforces suspicions that the incident was a well-planned Lebanese ambush.
"If this incident was not planned in advance, why did field commanders in the Lebanese army bother to dispatch journalists to the area and ensure that cameras were present at the site?" one IDF official said.
Yisrael Medad has also observed that Israel's hasbara machinery never alerted the Israeli media to be present on the scene to cover Israel's version of events.
How Israel manages not to have its own journalists on the scene at such significant events in Jewish history is one of the Middle East's continuing mysteries.
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