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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

How the Senate made it almost impossible to vote down the Iranian nuke agreement

The United States constitution provides that treaties may only be adopted with the advice and consent of two thirds of the United States Senate.

Three months ago, the Senate adopted a bill that was negotiated with President Obama that abdicated that right of approval. In essence, under Corker-Menendez, Obama has the right to present his surrender to Iranian nuclear weapons to the Senate not as a treaty, but as an agreement. And if the Senate says no, Obama has the right to veto that no. Unless the Senate comes up with 67 votes to override that veto, the agreement with Iran will stand. That means that 34 votes to sustain Obama's veto are enough for the agreement to go through.

There are 44 Democratic Senators in the current Senate, plus an additional two Independents who caucus with the Democrats. In order to override an Obama veto, 13 of those Democrats and Independents must vote against Obama.

Does anyone really think that's going to happen?

Go back and read this post from three months ago. It's astounding.

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