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Thursday, April 03, 2014

Netanyahu bakes matzoth at Kfar Chabad, matzoth have to be thrown out

Prime Minister Netanyahu baked matzoth at Kfar Chabad this week.

Let's go to the videotape.

But citing the Hebrew Haredi website Kikar Shabbat, the JPost reports that the matzoth had to be thrown out.
The haredim have a long list of grievances against Netanyahu, most recently legislation enacted to draft haredi men and criminal sanctions against draft dodgers. His visit to the bakery was hotly contested in the haredi community, according to the report.

Kfar Chabad denied the implication that the matza was discarded as a petty extension to a political feud, claiming that the matza was simply left on the table for too long, reported Kikar HaShabat.

Chabad added that Netanyahu's matza dough was kneaded without proper oversight, and that he hadn't washed his hands or cut his nails, leading to concerns that hametz (yeast-based products not allowed on Passover) caught under his nails might have gotten into the dough.
Tempest in a teapot.

I wasn't there, so I cannot tell you that the matzoth were left to rise for more than the 18-minute maximum, but having baked matzoth in Israel, I call tell you that the chabura (group) leaders don't let you near the dough until your hands are washed, your nails are cut, and your clothes are covered with a plastic apron.

Besides, Chabad are the least likely of the Haredim to look for a fight with Netanyahu.

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At 7:11 PM, Blogger Shy Guy said...

In other words...

... much adough about nothing.


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