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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Priorities: Obama and Rice want US to re-fund UNESCO

With the United States trillions of dollars in debt, President Obama and National Security Adviser Lazy Susan Rice have their priorities in order. The wrong order. They want Congress to re-fund UNESCO.
"Shameful that US has lost its vote at #UNESCO," Rice wrote on Twitter. "Congress needs to fix this. Current law doesn't punish the Palestinians; it handicaps the US."
Analysts have said that by losing its vote, the United States is foregoing and important opportunity to exercise "soft power" - the ability to exert international influence through other means than brute force or money. That gap is likely to be filled by other emerging global powers, such as China, they say.
"UNESCO directly advances US interests in supporting girls' and women's education, facilitating important scientific research, promoting tolerance, protecting and preserving the world's natural and cultural heritage, supporting freedom of the press, and much more," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Friday.
UNESCO also granted membership to an imaginary state called 'Palestine.' That action forced funding to be canceled under US law. And if that law is changed, 'Palestine' will likely be a full member of the General Assembly next week. That would really motivate the 'Palestinians' to negotiate in good faith, wouldn't it?

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