
Monday, June 10, 2013

Surprise: There's a de facto building freeze in 'east' Jerusalem

What a surprise.... The Government of Israel owns nearly all the land in this country, so almost all new housing construction must start with the Government of Israel deciding that it is going to give the land over for construction. Army Radio reports that there has been not one - NOT ONE - apartment marketed by the Government of Israel in 'east' Jerusalem since January 1 of this year.
The army-run radio station cited figures provided by the Housing Ministry, the Israel Lands Administration, the Yesha Council of settlements, and the Jerusalem municipality, all of whom confirm that no new apartments beyond the 1967 Green Line have been marketed to the public since the start of the year.
ILA officials told Army Radio that aides in the prime minister’s bureau have directly intervened to institute what amounts to a de-facto moratorium on Jewish settlement of the predominantly Arab half of Jerusalem that Israel captured in the Six-Day War.


Army Radio was unable to obtain a response from officials in the prime minister’s bureau.
If only the Prime Minister had a backbone....

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