
Monday, June 10, 2013

Assad threatens 'well-planned and continuous resistance' against Israel

The Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar reports that Syrian President Assad told a group of Jordanian visitors that if Israel attacks targets in his country again, it will face a 'well-planned and continuous resistance.'
Syria President Bashar Assad has issued a strong warning to Israel, threatening a fierce response should Israel strike targets in his country again, Lebanese paper Al Akhbar reported on Monday.
Assad reportedly said that Israel had made a serious error in judgment in attacking Syrian targets, adding that Israeli attacks will elicit a strategic, rather than local, response.
The Syrian president told a group of visiting Jordanians that the resistance will not launch primitive rockets aimlessly from time to time, but a well-planned and continuous resistance.
His mention of randomly fired rockets could be a slap at Hamas, which often relies on this tactic when firing rockets from Gaza. Instead, he compared this resistance to the kind waged by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, according to the report.
What if Assad attacked Israel and the rebels keep attacking him? As much as they all hate Israel, what makes Assad think at this point that they will unite behind him? Hmmm.

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