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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Yair Lapid's (Haredi) useful idiot

Shavua tov, a good week to everyone.

Moshe Averick destroys Yesh Atid's Haredi MK, Dov Lipman (Hat Tip: Abraham S).
The future of the State of Israel lies with those who are committed to Jewish observance and tradition in some way that can be deemed significant. This certainly does not mean that all Israelis will be fully observant, orthodox, or hareidi in the foreseeable future; but there is no future for those with an exclusively secular ideology. Nearly one third of all first graders in Israel today are enrolled in Hareidi schools. Close to 60% of all first graders are enrolled in Hareidi, Hareidi Le’umi (Nationalist Hareidi), or Dati Le’umi (Religious Zionist) schools. It is routine for religious/hareidi families to have 6-10 children. It is rare to find a secular family in Israel with more than one or two.
If Secularism struggles to provide the depth of motivation and commitment necessary to bring children into the world, how can it possibly hope to provide the commitment and motivation necessary to maintain a Jewish state in the face of worldwide demonization – the UN has passed more resolutions condemning Israel than any other nation in existence – and fanatical Arab/Islamic hordes bent on her destruction? The Torah describes our slavery in Egypt as a “fiery refining furnace.” In the ensuing 3,400 years nothing has really changed. The mission of our people has required us to endure an ongoing series of “refining furnaces” across the ages. In the end only those that cling to the eternal values of the Torah can thrive and grow through such a process.
If Dov Lipman would like to make a real contribution he should point out to Yair Lapid – as I wrote about at length in an earlier article – that the Hareidi community has been demonized and marginalized since the early days of Zionism. The Hareidim has been treated as 2nd class citizens since the founding of the state. Secular Israelis have bent over backwards in their attempts to make peace with the murderous Arabs/Islamists who surround them. It is time to now to make peace with their own Hareidi brothers and sisters. The study of Torah is the only thing that kept the Jewish people alive for thousands of years; the study of Torah is national service of the highest order and without it the Jewish people and the State of Israel would disappear.
A final message to Dov Lipman: If you want to return to your true Torah roots and accept the authority of the great Torah sages when it comes to the education of our children, we will accept you back with open arms. If not,  remember one thing and one thing only: When you hear Yair Lapid say “jump,” that is your cue to say, “how high boss?!”
Read the whole thing.

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At 6:43 PM, Blogger Red Tulips said...

This is the biggest bunch of hooey I ever read in my life.

Israel's economy is dependent upon seculars who work and provide the backbone of the economy. Just because Haredim like to breed (so do the Arabs, by the way), this proves their welfare-dependent lifestyle is successful? On what planet, exactly?

In fact Dov Lipman is doing the Haredim a favor by asking that they educate their children, and stop engaging in widescale horrific child abuse. It is the greatest abuse of children to fail to teach your child how to be self sufficient, and I am outraged at the defense of this disgusting and anti-Jewish practice.

If Haredi welfare-dependent superstition is the future of Judaism, then Judaism is well and truly dead.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Red Tulips said...

One more thing...

The article has a lot of nerve to claim Haredim will somehow counter UN boycotts or libels against the State of Israel, when probably the majority of Haredim are nonzionist or anti-zionist.

The article is a complete farce and I find it absolutely shocking and galling that you would link to it.


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