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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

From the UN's theater of the absurd: Iran to chair UN nuclear disarmament conference

What will the UN think of next? Iran is going to chair a UN-sponsored nuclear disarmament conference.
The UN conference addresses not only nuclear proliferation but policies concerning the race to weaponize space, the production of radiological weapons and the stockpiling or use of other weapons of mass destruction.
In a statement issued Monday afternoon, the United States said it would withdraw ambassadorial representation at the conference in protest so long as Iran retained its chair. Calling Iran's chairmanship "highly inappropriate," the statement from the US mission to the UN noted that the Islamic Republic was under UN Chapter VII sanctions for weapons proliferation and human-rights abuses.
"While the presidency of the CD is largely ceremonial and involves no substantive responsibilities, allowing Iran--a country that is in flagrant violation of its obligations under multiple UN Security Council Resolutions and to the IAEA Board of Governors--to hold such a position runs counter to the goals and objectives of the Conference on Disarmament itself," the statement read.
“Any member state that is the subject of UN Security Council sanctions for proliferation – and found guilty of massive human rights violations – should be ineligible to hold a leadership position in a UN body,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, which first noticed the chairmanship.
“We urge world leaders to declare that allowing Iran to chair a UN disarmament body is simply unacceptable, given the fundamentalist regime’s illicit activities in precisely the opposite direction,” said Neuer.
Notice that the Obama administration is withdrawing 'ambassadorial representation' from the conference. That means that UN ambassador 'Lazy Susan' Rice won't go. It doesn't mean that the US won't be there. Hussein Obama can't bring himself to withdraw from anything sponsored by the UN....

What could go wrong?

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