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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Choose your side: Judaism or the New York Times

I guarantee you that you won't need a magnifying glass to find the anti-Semitism at the New York Times this time. A couple of weeks ago, an article by one Joseph Levine (a 'man of the Left,' of course) scraped about as low as the Times has ever scraped. This brief essay by Edward Alexander in response is a must read.
American Jewry is often said to be divided between those who judge Judaism by the principles of the New York Times and those who judge the New York Times by the principles of Judaism.


Those Jews who judge the New York Times by the standards of Judaism believe that the creation of the state of Israel was one of the few redeeming events in a century of blood and shame, one of the greatest affirmations of the will to live ever made by a martyred people, and the most hopeful sign for humanity since the dove returned with the olive branch to Noah. They tend also to cling to Orwell’s view that some ideas–like the virtue of Jewish powerlessness–are so stupid that only intellectuals can believe them.
Those who judge Judaism by the standards of the New York Times boast of not having “danced in the streets when Ben-Gurion declared that the Jews, like other peoples, had a state of their own.” They believe (as does a majority of today’s Germans too) that Israel is the chief obstacle to world peace, a diversion from such compelling goals as gay marriage and unlimited access to abortion, and indeed the principal cause of most of the world’s evils with the (possible) exception of global warming.
Read the whole thing.

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At 12:39 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

The worst people in the world are Jews who cannot stand fellow Jews who have not attained impossible standards of perfection. They exempt themselves from it and excuse mankind of its follies and sins but Israel must disappear for not meeting their ethereal standards of perfection.

I suspect they would still hate Israel no less if it was perfect! The blame for the world's neuroses lies not with Israel but with Jews for whom the condition of the Jewish State is a commentary on their failure to come to terms with it.


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