Murdoch: Nightmare for Israel if Obama wins
Here's another prominent supporter of Israel who sees a win by Barack Hussein Obama - God forbid - as a nightmare for Israel: Rupert Murdoch.“Nightmare for Israel if Obama wins,” he tweeted, adding, “Biden outright lied about personal relations with Bibi.”
The media mogul who’s company owns The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, The New York Post and other major media assets, also included harsh criticism for United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice and the White House, as well as advice for Mitt Romney in his tweets.
Murdoch has long been viewed as a friend of Israel and has been honored by a number of Jewish organizations. At the Innovate. Invest. Israel. Conference that took place just over a month ago in New York, Murdoch recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, saying, “As far as I’m concerned, what was right for King David is right for me. Therefore, to me, Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel.”

Put it this way: It's sure not going to be a walk in the park for Israel if God forbid Obama wins.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Campaign 2012, Rupert Murdoch
EPA’s Lisa Jackson tours Israel, advances cleantech collaboration
And yet, the Israel Start Up Nation people are still making campaign ads for the Obama Team. Maybe the EPA dictators have brought escape visas and more Green $lu$h to pay the Israel Obama Ad Agency for these last few campaign ads. If I were a poor or unconnected person in Israel, without the means to jump out at the last minute, I'd be looking into what these Green Start Up People are bringing down on Israel by their advocacy of these Obama Dictators. They will come out well (if Obama wins) and will skate by (if Romney wins, because Americans love Israel and don't want to bring this to the front). But Israel Matzav people are smart and should see what is actually going on.
In the US, we need a statement from Dan Senor on what their intentions are in a Romney administration regarding the Green $lu$h procedures, that are killing our US energy production. In the oil patch (Hobbs), Romney said it will end, as far as non-R&D, picking&choosing, commercial imposition of inadequate technologies. But why, then, is Israel still making Obama Campaign ads. Scary.
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