Mom's yahrtzeit

I mentioned earlier that there would be no music video tonight, and that's because I don't listen to music tonight and tomorrow. Tonight and tomorrow are the 7th yahrtzeit (anniversary of the death) of my mother a"h (may she rest in peace), Chana Rivka bas Leib David HaLevi. Mom is seen here holding Chezky, my youngest child, who was four months old at the time we visited Boston with the four youngest children. He's eight years old today and has no memory of my Mom (and very little memory of my Dad, who has not been here in four years, and who doesn't recognize me today).
Mom would have loved this blog. Even though she was incapable of voting for anyone who wasn't a Democrat (she and Dad even voted for McGovern in 1972 and Carter in 1980), she was very into politics and a hawk on Israel. (Both my parents were Scoop Jackson Democrats who weren't capable of leaving the party when it changed). I can only wonder what she would have thought of Obama (for whom she definitely would have voted in '08) and the Democratic party of today.
Labels: Mom's yahrtzeit
I hope your mother's neshama has an aliyah and you are comforted Carl.
It is actually pretty interesting to see what is happening with the Jews in this upcoming election. Several long time Jewish democrats have told me that they are going to switch for this election.
Be comforted Carl. The love our parents give us never dies, but lives inside of us as we pass it on to our children.
Funny you should mention the voting habits. My parents were both Democrats for life, but they were also proud Jews and lovers of Zion.
When McGovern and Carter ran, they hated Nixon and Reagan and wouldn't vote for them, but they wouldn't vote for Carter or McGovern either. They just didn't vote for president in 1975 and 1980...although my Mom certainly voted for Obama.
She will likely do the same thing this year she did 1n '72 and '80, which I guess is all I can ask, nu?
Chash Dam,
Rob Miller
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