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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Defeat Dumb Debbie

I know one reader who's going to love this post. It's a cartoon of Debbie Wasserman Schultz talking about the Obama administration's energy policy (which is to make you pay more and more and more to use your car).

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: HillBuzz via Bad Blue).

I would love to see them do one of her defending Obama's anti-Israel policies.

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At 3:25 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

So, Carl, your earlier post shows Dan Senor as Mitt Romney's foreign policy advisor. That was news to me, but good news. He was the co-author of Start-Up Nation about Israel S&T achievement. The next question is whether he has been in the private sector enough to distinguish between the capital investment formation, venture angels, etc. that he describes in the book and the U.S. federal green goo trough of unfounded cash that some of the Start-Ups are up to their neck in. He would be an excellent person to get them to disengage from the marcuse-voiced effort to collapse the U.S. system from the inside. Just sayin'.

BTW, I've been driving a Prius since '06. I'm in favor of technology improvements and internatioanal teams. I am against a socialist/marxist dictator in the U.S. picking and choosing winners and losers, or pinning down or pacifying Israel with $$billions of green goo slushfund cash. Dan Senor should be able to pick apart the difference and correct course...

At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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