Olympic teams told to 'stay home' if they won't compete with everyone

Officials of the International Olympic Committee have told countries and athletes who do not plan to compete with certain other countries to stay at home.
The IOC comment came after an Algerian kayaker withdrew from a World Cup last month in which an Israeli was entered.Any athlete from an Arab Muslim country who competes and loses will never be seen again, so I can guarantee you that any athlete from an Arab Muslim country who is slated to compete with an Israeli will suddenly become 'sick' and withdraw from the competition, just as has always happened in the past.
Without commenting specifically on that incident, the IOC condemned such a “hypothetical scenario” at the London Olympics.
"Refusing to participate in an Olympic event because of a fellow athlete/team’s religion or nationality, would not only be unsporting behavior but a serious breach of the IOC’s code of ethics, the principles of the Olympic Charter and the athletes oath," IOC spokeswoman Emmanuelle Moreau said in a statement.
Iran was criticized after some of its athletes withdrew from events against Israelis at the 2004 Athens and 2008 Beijing Olympics.
"If an athlete/team is unable to come to the games in spirit of friendship and fair play, then they should stay at home," Moreau said. "There can be no discrimination for any reason between participants at the Olympic Games."
Labels: Arab boycott of Israel, London Olympics
I can already hear Erdogan "It's a zionist plot".
But that of course is nonsense. The IOC won't dare outrage the Arabs the Muslims or the yobbos in Britain.
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