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Sunday, June 10, 2012

The most bigoted newspaper in Britain?

Its publication of an op-ed by Hamas Gaza ruler Ismail Haniyeh prompts Robin Shepherd to ask whether al-Guardian is the most bigoted newspaper in Britain.
On Friday, the Guardian ran a piece in its opinion section by none other than Ismail Haniyeh, leader of Hamas in Gaza and now, it appears, a perfectly acceptable room-mate for the leading voice in Britain’s Liberal-Left.

Let’s not even get into the question of Hamas‘s attitude to gays and women – they support hanging the former and suppressing the latter. (By the way, it’s the gay pride festival today in Tel Aviv, and of course Gaza – no, sorry that last bit was a joke, a sick one, but not as sick as the Guardian editors who commissioned Hamas to write a piece for them.)

The “substance“ of Haniyeh’s piece is the predictable dishonest garbage – it really doesn‘t merit a more respectful description. It’s the standard stuff: “Although under siege in the Gaza Strip, we have endured war and aggression, and withstood attempts to wipe us out without fading away“.

And: “ We do not want more blood. We want help in achieving justice for our people who lost their land and freedom decades ago, and in providing security for a region that has long endured oppression and suffering.“

All lies, of course. Israel has never attempted to wipe out the Palestinians. Hamas does want more blood – it glories in the slaughter of civilians; it has fired thousands upon thousands of rockets at Israel in recent years. Hamas does not want justice; it wants an extreme Islamist theocracy. Neither does Hamas want a two-state solution. It is fully and openly committed to the eradication of the State of Israel.

What would happen to the Jews under such a scenario is almost too awful to contemplate. But it’s not impossible. I will conclude this piece with direct quotations from the Hamas Charter, which is consistently re-affirmed by Hamas officials, day in day out.

If you think I have been too strong against the Guardian, or against Hamas, you are about to understand that if anything I have erred too much on the side of moderation. I urge you to read and share this with every single person you know. The BBC will never publish this sort of thing.

And if you think I’m cherry picking, read the whole thing for yourself.
Well, yeah. But al-Guardian has plenty of competition.

Read the whole thing.

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