The last days of European Jewry

Europe is again approaching, as many prefer to avert their eyes, the horrible paroxysm of Jew-hatred that plunged the continent into its XX century abyss. In the current denationalized, universalist, third-worldist and secularized Europe, Zionism is casted as the cause of anti-Semitism, Bruxelles’ officials see the bombing of a synagogue in Paris as a reprisal for an Israeli incursion into Gaza, European ministers and MPs more and more call the Israelis “the new Nazis,” anti-Semitism is fading from the general consciousness and “Islamophobia” is declared the worst racism. In the old Europe that abandoned the internationalism of the proletariat for the transnationalism of the Islamic umma, there is no space for the Jews. Europe’s Arabized cosmopolitanism cultivates the fantasy of removing Israel from the Middle East. But Europe first will forsake and abandon its own post-Holocaust Jews. Only after Israel’s destruction the Jews will be allowed to return to their homeless status in France, England, Sweden, Germany. In Warsaw they might rebuild the ghetto, while from Baghdad to Haifa tens of thousands of miles will be covered only by the voice of Al Jazeera.Read the whole thing.
Labels: European anti-Semitism, Islam, multiculturalism
The stupid Giulio Meotti, fired from Ynet for plagiarising Zionist Islamophobic narrative, wants Jews to return to Israel, so he pretends that Muslims are a threat.
He doesn't see the absurdity of expecting Israel which gives no residency to Christians unless they were already there, to help him Christianise the Middle East. Unlike in Israel, Christians can take up residence in the other Middle East countries. They migrate to other countries, for the same reason Europeans and Americans migrate to other countries. Grass is green on the other side.
The idiot conflates Jews with Israelis. There is hostility to Israel in Europe, but Euro Jewry is thriving. Judaism grows in Europe.
The head of the EJC said the rise of Islam in Europe has benefitted Jews. Many religous facilities are shared in Europe, by Jews and Muslims. The Dutch contender for the Presidency in HOlland who almost became Europe's first Jewish Prime Minister, Job Cohen secured Holland's Muslim vote. Maybe Meotti can explain this?
The biggest delusion this idiot has is that Israelis and Jews will help him Christianise the Middle East. Why isn't he going to Arab Christians then? Is he just a paid whore or is he really so stupid and clueless? Does he think the Europeans will buy this crap?
More on this plagiarist here
Update: Marc Tracy reports today that YNet and Commentary have severed their relationships with Meotti as a result of his plagiarism. Il Mondi Di Annibale, the Italian foreign policy site, has also taken Meotti to task. What will Meotti’s employers at Il Foglio do?
Meotti responds by accusing me of placing his life in danger, or at least causing him to “suffer.” But so far, any suffering that Meotti has endured has been self-inflicted. Meotti: ”But this is a personal attack against my person and work of ten years, a demonization, a witch hunt against one of the last and few pro-Israel journalists in Europe. An attack in which arrogant and failed journalists didn’t hesitate to call me ‘hasbarist’ and ‘zionist’ in Arab newspapers. It seems that they don’t understand the consequences and the severe risks that an author like me in Europe can suffer because of their incitement.”
Pretending? After Toulouse and Ilan Halimi the threat against Jews is quite obvious. There is no need to pretend.
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