Sweden turns Twitter account over to blond bimbo, 'hilarity' results

Sonja Abrahamsson, describing herself as a "low educated" single mother of two from Goteborg, in Sweden's west, provocatively asked what makes a Jew a Jew, and used crude language.The original tweets may be found here.
"What's the fuzz with Jews" she asked in one tweet on the (a)sweden account, suggesting it's hard to tell them apart from other people and then went on to joke about Jewish circumcision.
In another, she said not even the Nazis could tell the difference: "In Nazi German(y) they even had to sew stars on their sleeves. If they didn't, they could never (k)now who was a Jew and who was not a Jew."
The reactions were immediate. One tweeter wrote "in one day (a)sweden went from global Twitter superstar to PR embarrassment."
Later, Abrahamsson apologized if she had offended anyone, saying that was not her purpose. "I just don't get why some people hate Jews so much," she added.
Maria Ziv, marketing director at Visit Sweden - a Public Relations agency that set up the project - said the Twitter account would not be shut down just because some people had been provoked.
If Abrahamsson's comments had been racist "we would have taken them down," she added.
The project allows different citizens from various walks of life to curate the account each week. Tweeters have so far included both a female priest and a lesbian truck-driver.
The tweets are not pre-read or censored, but personal political opinions are to be followed with the hash-tag myownopinion.
As of Tuesday, the (a)sweden account had 34,500 followers and almost 20,000 tweets.
Is she a bimbo or an anti-Semite?
Labels: Sweden
I don't think this is antisemitism. I think it's the exact opposite. It sounds like she genuinely wants to know about Jews and Judaism. Our defensive responses are offputing. Instead we should answer her questions and tell her that Jews are the followers of the Jewish religion and (often) descendants of ancient Judeans etc.
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