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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Emergency Committee for Israel's Iran ad to air in Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

In light of yet another failed round of nuclear talks with Iran this week, the Emergency Committee for Israel ad "Time To Act," which began airing last week in New York and Washington, DC, will begin appearing this weekend on broadcast and cable in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, with dozens of spots featured in major markets during Sunday shows, Major League Baseball games, and cable news.

ECI's executive director, Noah Pollak, said:

"President Obama says we must prevent the Iranian regime from getting nuclear weapons. Yet talking isn't accomplishing this goal. Today, Iran has six times more enriched uranium than when President Obama came into office -- enough for five nuclear bombs. We fear that the Obama administration is now intent on kicking the can down the road past the election. The Emergency Committee urges the president to live up to his promise to stop Iran. Don't delay. Don't ask others to do our job for us. It's time to act."

For those who have not seen the ad yet, once again, let's go to the videotape. More below the fold.

Florida has always been a frontline state, and Pennsylvania is known as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between. But Wisconsin? Whoda thunk it?

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