Debbie does shul

Wasserman Schultz and Tate were both scheduled to address the Temple Israel congregation regarding U.S.-Israeli relations, but apparently Wasserman Schultz couldn’t handle the fact that Tate would undoubtedly contradict her partisan talking points- so much for “diversity” when it comes to Debbie allowing equal time to opposing points of view. In what can only be described as an act of political spite, Wasserman Schultz strongly voiced her objection to Tate’s scheduled address directly to the Temple’s Board of Trustees, and based on her objections and political pressure, the Trustees decided to scrap Tate’s address to the congregation.Of course, Tate is right, but we all know that so long as Hussein Obama remains President, the IRS is and will be a political organization, and no synagogue will lose its tax exemption for supporting and promoting the Democratic party and its Leftist candidates.
In a recent letter sent out by Mr. Tate to the Temple’s congregation, Tate stated that he would not be speaking at the forthcoming May 25th services-I have been told by the Temple Israel Board of Trustees, that in no uncertain terms, I am not welcome, nor am I desired to speak on the bema (dais), nor does the Temple want me in any way to address the attendees on the evening of May 25th, after the Shabbat Services, even though the other invited speaker will be giving her politically motivated remarks on the topic of “Maintaining a Strong U.S. – Israel Relationship.” – Stanley TateTate also stated that the Board of Trustees held a “special” meeting on May 14th where the majority of the board decided not to let him address the congregation.
During a phone interview with Mr. Tate, the former founder of the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) said that Wasserman Schultz told board members, “Stanley cannot be allowed to speak”, and that “no other speaker can speak in opposition before or after her.”
Tate said that “they are going to try to prevent me to speak,” and also indicated that the “Temple Israel is putting its tax-exempt status at jeopardy” by permitting Wasserman Schultz to address the congregation.
Read the whole thing.
Labels: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Florida, Internal Revenue Service, synagogues
no synagogue should allow the intermarried Frau Schultz to speak
The first thing to go has been the freedom of speech. Its been twisted in such a way that in several instances the only opinion heard is now a liberal .. anti zionist message at shuls. Its not only disgusting but it preempts what is to come. The silencing of jewish opinion altogether.
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