Panic on Pennsylvania Avenue?

Liberal columnist Michael Tomasky acknowledges that President Obama has a 'Jewish problem.' But is it enough to prevent his reelection? As of now, Tomasky believes that it is not. And will it prevent Obama from slamming Israel in his second term if he wins one? Tomasky seems to be hinting that depends... on whether
Obama is willing to let the Democratic party be part of the collateral damage.
Well, I got some things right in that New York article, but I got one very important thing very wrong. I wrote that Congress, that always reliable friend of AIPAC, had changed its stripes. This is what I was told at the time. There was even a meeting where Bibi was taken aback, told by Democratic friends and sycophants in the House that things were different now and that he’d better play ball. But he didn’t. He went to his friends on the other side of the aisle, he stalled, he rebuffed, and he won. Different waters have passed under the bridge since; Obama has tried other resets. But basically the template was set in those first six months in office. Obama went for broke and came up empty.
And so, instead of Obama remaking the reality of the Middle East, that reality has remade him. I heard his speech at the AIPAC convention about six weeks ago. The interesting thing about the AIPAC convention (12,000 people in attendance!) was that you could tell by the applause that most of them—not overwhelmingly most, but most—were Democrats and Obama voters. More liberal, that is, than the AIPAC leadership overall. But he certainly didn’t say a word to exploit that cleavage, and predictably, it was the most implacable language, especially about Iran, that drew the most manly applause. And now—at the Holocaust Museum on Monday—he says, “I will always be there for Israel.” Not “America,” or even “my administration.” Simply, “I.”
I don't believe that the new Obama is permanent. In fact, right after the election, we will likely see the old Obama again. But will the Democrats in Congress be willing to go down with him? Don't bet on it. The real question is whether they will be able to stop him.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, US-Israel relationship
Hi Carl.
If reelected you will see a much worse version of the 'old Obama' he doesn't care about the Democrats.
The proof was given yesterday: "The audacity to reveal the tool he'll use eventually against Israel on the 'remembrance of the holocaust' while appointing someone who advocated to 'invade Israel'.How blind and deaf can you be?
Hi Carl.
If reelected you will see a much worse version of the 'old Obama' he doesn't care about the Democrats.
The proof was given yesterday: "The audacity to reveal the tool he'll use eventually against Israel on the 'remembrance of the holocaust' while appointing someone who advocated to 'invade Israel'.How blind and deaf can you be?
Not sure Obama owns the problem. There are only 6-7 mil Jews out of 320+ mil Americans. So the voting impact is miniscule, except in a few districts. However, the campaign donation historical amounts are immense from Jewish donors to Dem organizations and candidates. I'd be interested to see how that is going; but I would bet they are on target for the normal level of donations. Israel in itself should be a huge deterent to the donations. However, on the "social justice" front, Obama's confiscation of half a trillion $$ in Medicare funding, leaving seniors in the lurch in favor of other groups, if it were to actually get through Obama's corrupt bureaucracy to them, should make the "social justice" people turn away from the Dems. That's how you can tell that it isn't about "social justice"; it is about New Left marcuse/alinsky marxism. We need some non-marxist Torah Economics rabbis and/or educators to do distance learning on the mis-application of the Torah that is going on all over the West.
As Sunlight pointed out the numbers of Jewish voters is not enough to effect an election outcome. Jews are more of a bellwether. Typically a presidential candidate with > 30% Jewish support usually wins, and one under 20% usually loses. If the Dems start losing Jews, the Independents are pretty much gone, and they are starting to lose their base voters. BHO was elected on a media frenzy, no record, vague positions and false promises against a weak opponent. His largest blocks of support, outside Independents, was from the least dependable voting groups - African Americans and young people. If BHO loses Jewish support, chances are he's also lost independent voters and the excitement among his core base voters has likely dissipated.
I used to think that the people on the left who told me that George Bush would declare Martial Law and suspend elections were flat out insane. This time 'round I'm not so convinced that point of view is entirely wrong. Obama clearly doesn't care whether Congress is even a functioning body and cares less if the Supreme Court exists. What better way for him to be a dictator than to simply ignore the election results and rule by fiat?
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