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Friday, April 06, 2012

I cannot stand him either

Right Truth has had it with Barack Hussein Obama. In case you hadn't notice, I have too (Hat Tip: Ellen S).
I am also sick of Republicans trying to sit on the fence and refer to Obama as a good man trying to do what he thinks is right for this country, a good man who has made some bad decisions. Nothing could be further from the truth. Obama is not a good man. He does not have good policies. He does not want to do what is best for this country. He has not simply made a few bad decisions -- he has intended to destroy the United States as we know it and as it was founded from his earliest years. Everyone around him, everyone who influenced him, supported him in his early years, were also America-haters.

I am sick of Obama insulting and working against our long time nation friends. I'm sick of the way he has treated Israel. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama cares nothing for Israel. It is also clear to me that Obama is sympathetic to Muslim / Arab countries. While he is probably not a practicing Muslim himself, his sympathies are with those countries. His religion? His religion, in my opinion, is some strange brew of Black Liberation Theology, secularism, communism, (fill in the blanks). I'm sick of him and his administration's treatment of Islam above other religions, specifically Christianity.
And then there's this which she quotes from Democratic Underground(!!!):
Everything from his facial expressions to body language, with his ever present rheumatoid arthritis curled finger to his attempts to sound like a fire breathing Baptist preacher Jimmy Swaggert at his campaign stops, do more every time to turn my stomach.

He cannot accept any responsibility for anything he did politically or otherwise that makes him look the least wrong without trying to vanilla coat it with layers and layers of circular bullshit. 151 votes of present was because he thought the bill needed more work? I believe that calls for a NO vote Barack, not a "present." That even blew John Edwards mind.

The wagons of ammunition are being loaded by the slugs who have the Oval Office now even as I type, in the the hopes that nothing derails his nomination as our Democratic Party choice. They are counting on the sheep with rose colored glasses in all the primaries to give them that gift.

People this is no modern day Martin Luther King reincarnate. This is an arrogant, egotistical, slippery, up-to-his neck in naivete of international affairs, self adoring Junior Senator that will get steam rolled by the corporate elite and their minions within six weeks of him taking oath of office. They will explain to this president trainee how Washington works and will continue to work. And he will serve the masters.
I would say that Obama has done whatever he pleased in Washington - so the Democratic Underground commenter was wrong on that count. But he's got everything else right.

It's time to do what John McCain didn't do in 2008: Take off the gloves and attack Obama like any other candidate. Make clear to everyone and that America and the West are in deep danger if there are - God forbid - four more years of President Hussein Obama.

Read the whole thing.

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