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Labels: schnorring
My name is Kenddrick. Big Zionist and supporter of the State of Israel. I sent some cash over, it's not much, just a token sum but it's my way of showing support! Take care and AM YISRAEL CHAI! :)
For the record, I kicked in, too.
Hey, Muslima biatch Chayma, hows about sharing some of your jizya with Carl the man?!
Thanks to Carl for continuing this fabulous effort. The $$ we donate can't begin to address the time Carl spends on it. Just about the best blog on the internet. But maybe some $$ will help cover some of the out-of-pocket expenses. I'm here reading all the time, so some $$ in!
Shy Guy, Do you fund your own destruction?
Surely you don't expect me to contribute to an Islamophobic, anti Palestinian blog do you?
Thank you for your honesty, Carl :)
OOps, seems like I didn't complete my comment. I meant to say,
This blog has the most truthful tag I ever saw here, that of
Glad you have no illusions Carl :)
Thank you for your honesty.
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