Great news: Syrian opposition wants to open talks with Hezbullah

“There are no permanent enmities in politics as there are no permanent friendships. Alliances are built on goals," Burhan Ghalioun [the leader of the opposition Syrian National Council] told the Algerian newspaper Echorouk.Still waiting to hear comments from the Kadima and Labor MK's who lectured us last week that we have an obligation to support the Syrian uprising.
"If Hezbollah decided to support the democratic process in Syria, there would not be any barrier" to negotiations, he said. “We will not sacrifice Hezbollah if Hezbollah does not sacrifice us as a people and as a cause."
“Hezbollah’s greatest popularity in the past in the Arab world was in Syria because it did a glorious job when it stood against Israel,” Ghalioun added. “But the people are now having doubts about it because it has adopted a clear stance, supporting an oppressive regime that is using all kinds of violence.”
Labels: Hezbullah, Syrian uprising
Uh, wait! We didn't already assume that Hezbullah would be part of this thing on the Sharia/Caliphate side?
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