Democratic Senate candidate from Connecticut: 'JEWISH-AMERICAN SETTLERS WHO MURDER make us unsafe'

This evening, I received an email entitled "Bibi was here" from someone named Lee Whitnum. I did a little googling and found out that Lee Whitnum is a woman and is one of six declared candidates for the Democratic nomination to replace Joe Lieberman in the Senate. According to Wikipedia she is not one of the front runners, and we can only hope that the eventual nominee will not be as obsessed with Israel as Whitnum obviously is. AIPAC describes her as "anti-AIPAC activist and software engineer." "What do you do for a living Ms. Whitnum?" "Oh, I'm an anti-AIPAC activist...."
So here's what the email said - God only knows why she thought I would be receptive.
LEE WHITNUM D-CTNo, I'm not giving you her PayPal link.
2012 Candidate for the U.S. Senate
In response to Mr. Netanyahu’s demands last week, American leadersn failed by not demanding a successful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and a halt to Settler encroachment. It was a lost opportunity and great mistake.
Zionists believe that Jews have a God-given right to take the homes of non-Jews in the land we know as Israel. Zionism is the reason for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is the reason for the formation of al Qaeda, the 9-11 tragedy and the unnecessary Iraq war.
Taking the home or farm of a family is wrong. And yet this happens in Israel every day as more than 500,000 settlers continuously take the property that belongs to the Christian and Muslim underclass. If they kill in the process, the Israeli government ignores it, even when there is videotaped evidence. The world watches and is outraged. Five US presidents have demanded a stop to the settlements and yet they
continue because our weak politicians kowtow to the Israel Lobby (AIPAC). Zionism is stealing, and it is the reason Israel has doubled in size since it was formed by the UN in 1947. They were given half, but they believe they are entitled to all.
According to FBI agent James Fitzgerald's testimony at the 9-11 hearings, the suicide bombers "identify" with the victims of Israel's violent Zionist encroachment and it is the reason the 9-11 bombers attacked us. Learn the truth - more than 66,000 of the non-Jewish indigenous people and peace activists have been killed or maimed since 2000 by Israeli soldiers and/or settlers. Why? ..because Israel desires a Jewish majority; that is ethnic cleansing, contrary to our values, and should be rejected by all Americans.
MY FIRST BILL AS A U.S. SENATOR: Prosecute Settler Violence. Any American caught killing or maiming in the Occupied Territories will be prosecuted in U.S. Federal Court. We can no longer allow religious extremists to make us all unsafe.
STOP FUNDING ISRAEL. 30 billion dollars was recently pledged to Israel by our AIPAC influenced Congress. As a senator, I'll file a lawsuit to return Connecticut's portion, 600 million dollars, back to us to fix our crumbling bridges and generate jobs. /Maryland v. McCullough /granted states the right to sue the federal government and I’ll use it. We currently pay to be less safe - we have a right not to.
STOP THE CLEAR-CUTTING OF OUR OCEANS. See my bill to ban deep water trawling.
END GAS CHAMBER EUTHANIZING OF OUR PETS. See my bill to end this inhumane practice.
Please visit my website. I have 60 issues; I've written 4 bills, a lawsuit, and a constitutional amendment for term limits to limit lobbyists power and especially AIPAC's power. I'm so rarin' and ready to go that I've done the work ahead of time!
Please donate and forward this email to everyone you know. AIPAC is a cancer in our government; its political overreach must be put in check. AIPAC is powerful because Israel’s blind supporters send money to pro-Israel candidates. Want balance and change? Do the opposite! I'm Lee Whitnum, the only U.S. senate candidate who is NOT pro-Israel. I pledge allegiance to one country and one country only - the United States of America. Please help me fight. To give, paste the paypal link below into your browser.
Should we call her the Stephen Walt candidate for the Senate? The Peter Beinart candidate?
How much do you want to bet that she has at least one Jewish parent?
What a loon....
Labels: Campaign 2012, Democrats, Leftist anti-Semitism
Your problem is that you're nitpicking. If you could generalize, she would sound much more reasonable. Here's a restatement of her plank.
1. She's against gas chambers.
2. She wants to stop the US from squandering money on malcontents and terrorists in the Middle East.
3. She wants to end the Hague's presumptuous allegation of jurisdiction over crimes in foreign countries.
4. She believes that the whole of Israel includes what others call "Occupied Territories," and that the Jews were only given half of their patrimony in 1947.
What's your problem????
"MY FIRST BILL AS A U.S. SENATOR: Prosecute Settler Violence. Any American caught killing or maiming in the Occupied Territories will be prosecuted in U.S. Federal Court."
What part of the US Constitution gives American law any authority and jurisdiction outside the US and it's territories?
I'd say, stop funding Israel and America's enemies, which are one and the same. They include the so-called Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Pakistan, Turkey (past time to expel Turkey from NATO!). The savings would more than offset aid to Israel, which besides being the only true democracy in the Middle East, is America's only true ally in the Middle East.
Besides the histrionic language, what actual peer-reviewed science buttresses this statement?
Again, besides the histrionic language, what are the Constitutional authorities and factual bases for this being a federal, rather than a state question?
Here's yet another Democrat clueless on the US Constitution; the concept of checks and balances; the division of authority between the federal govt and that of the states. In other words, the perfect Democrat candidate.
So she wants to use bullets instead of gas.
She is still a kook!
Zionist (not necessarily Jewish) propagandists have so successfully conflated Judaism with Zionism (a POLITICAL entity) and Israel, the racist "Jewish" state that any legitimate criticism against Israel, including against Israel's illegal expansion onto other people's lands, is deemed, by many of us, to be antiSemitism. The narrative goes like this: "How dare you criticize Israel for its war crimes and crimes against humanity! How dare you challenge its violations of more than 100 UN Resolutions as it continues to expand its yet-undeclared borders by murdering and imprisoning thousands of innocent people who get in the way!!! Haven't the Jews suffered enough! What is WRONG with you! Have you no sympathy for the Holocaust victims?!"
As illogical as this argument and chastisement is, it is quite common in America where we generally don't know the history of the Conflict in the Middle East.
Lee Whitnam and others who appear from time to time on the political stage DO know about the ongoing belligerence of Israel, and they know that Israel has near complete control of our Body Politic, via it's lobbies and agents in US Congress who put the wants of Israel first, at great cost to the United States.
Lee Whitnum and other political candidates who dare to reveal uncomfortable truths about Israel and Zionism are routinely attacked in an effort to silence them, and their attackers know that a lazy public would rather pile on to stifle truth than to bother educating themselves.
For more information on Israel that those who deny champions of justice like Lee Whitnum their say, please see:
David Evans
Former Sergeant, USMC
Member, Veterans For Peace
Israel/Palestine Working Group
"via it's lobbies and agents in US Congress"
Please note that the possessive 'its' does not get a hyphen. So next time, you won't look ignorant.
The Jews are in Israel because they have the historical and ethical right to live in their own country. This causes friction with the nomadic Arabs that settled in the area during the Turkish hegemony. Unfortunately, this friction cannot be avoided. Maybe it would be simpler for you to think of Israel as a wildlife preserve for endangered silverback gorillas. Moving a few people a few miles to the east or west, in the service of an irreplaceable group's survival, is a small price to pay.
Exactly where would you draw the line? Would you eliminate the entire Jewish state in the ostensible interest of "repatriating" the "indigenous" population? If, and I doubt it, you grant legitimacy to any Jewish state in the Middle East, then it is entitled to defensible borders, and defensible is defined by the reality of terrorism and existential threats, from within and from without.
I sent her campaign a quick note thanking her for her desire to exterminate the Jews. Maybe her second act as a Senator will be to erect concentration camps.
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