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Tuesday, March 06, 2012

51% of Americans want US to stay neutral if Israel attacks Iran

Do most Americans think that a nuclear Iran has nothing to do with them and will have no effect on their lives?
About half of Americans (51%) say the U.S. should stay neutral if Israel attacks Iran's nuclear facilities to prevent it from developing a weapon. Nearly four-in-ten (39%) say the U.S. should support Israel, while just 5% say the U.S. should oppose military action.

There is a wide divide among Republicans on the issue of Iran. Fully 71% of conservative Republicans think the U.S. should support Israel's military action if they attack Iran, compared with 43% of moderate and liberal Republicans. A majority of independents and Democrats (including both liberal and more moderate Democrats) think the U.S. should stay neutral.
Or maybe they just want the US to do the job.
While most Americans want the U.S. to stay neutral if Israel attacks Iran, the public supports tough measures -- including the possible use of military force -- to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Nearly six-in-ten (58%) say it is more important to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, even if it means taking military action. Just 30% say it is more important to avoid a military conflict with Iran, even if it means that country develops nuclear weapons. These opinions are little changed from October 2009.
Read the whole thing.

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At 3:01 AM, Blogger Sunlight said...

Neutral? Uh, no. Well, maybe stay neutral if it were coordinated and Israel wanted the U.S. to stay the hell out of the way. It's whatever the military experts figure out to do. But for sure the U.S. is on Israel's side, even if Team Obama isn't on the side of either.

Just figured out that Bibi is the keynote speaker at the AIPAC gala dinner tonight (Monday). I kept looking for video of his speech and couldn't find it. But here's the AIPAC link. I wonder whether there is a streaming link somewhere...


At 10:34 PM, Blogger I'm just saying: said...

I'm in agreement with the poster above. Also, who took this poll?
Everyone I know would side with Israel. But based on the idiocy in the US white house, it would be beneficial for Israel that the US stay out of the way.
and just as a snarky curiosity, where the UN in all of this?


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