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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Video: Government spokesman Mark Regev schools CNN's @HalaGorani on the Khader Adnan case

Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev explains to CNN's Hala Gorani why Islamic Jihad leader Khader Adnan is being held in administrative detention.

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Yechezkel G. via Twitter).

There's a hearing on Adnan's appeal on Tuesday.

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At 4:39 PM, Blogger HaDaR said...

Administrative detention, that is detention without a trial, is against Jewish Law, and also against basic human rights.
Terrorists should be killed, not captured and jailed; which would also do away with their inclination to kidnap Jews to get jailed terrorists out.

At 5:29 PM, Blogger HaDaR said...

I am always surprised by the length at which secular Israelis must go to solve problems that they would not even have if they just followed ChaZa"L, that is Our Sages of Blessed Memory and based themselves on their vastly superior wisdom.
I am reminded of something I read a while ago about NASA spending millions to reach the same conclusions written in the Talmud "quite a while ago"... ;-)
See: http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/227639

At 5:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is so hostile to him.

Held without trial is not the same as held awaiting trial but CNN can't see the difference.

A prisoner "shackled"? Oh, the hummanity! What's wrong with this woman. Does she want him on a deckchair by the pool?

"Islamic Jihad is not on trial," talk about passing the buck. Islamic Jihad is actually on trial. I just can't take CNN seriously, especially after they sacked all their Jewish middle-east staff but kept the Arabs.


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