Leftist Forward delivers a message from Barghouti

On Jan. 3, on the 47th anniversary of the founding of Fatah, he issued a statement from jail contending that the current negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians were going nowhere and that all efforts should be directed toward achieving statehood through other venues. He’s long been a proponent of a two-state solution, but this statement could be seen as a serious prod to the current Palestinian Authority leadership, which resumed talks with the Israelis in Jordan.If the 'Palestinians' try to achieve statehood through 'other venues,' that's likely to be real peaceful, isn't it? But perhaps the Forward doesn't care.
“He said this because over the last 18 years, the only things negotiations have brought are more settlements and more occupations,” Fadwa Barghouti said through a translator. “He has been insistent in talking about, even on the day he was judged in court, he always talked about the two-state solution as the ultimate solution. His lack of faith in the current negotiations and their chance of success does not mean his lack of faith in the two-state solution.”
Like so many other Palestinians in Ramallah these days, Fadwa Barghouti said that her husband’s first priority is the establishment of a unity government between Fatah and Hamas. “The unity agreement is what matters,” she said. This will undoubtedly disturb the U.S., Israel, and their allies. But Marwan Barghouti — even from prison — may be only stating the inevitable.
Labels: Marwan Barghouti, Palestinian state RIGHT NOW syndrome, two-state solution
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