Does the US-Israel joint missile exercise represent a change in US policy?

The exercise represents a change in Obama administration strategy, made necessary by the failure of the old one. The Obama administration had made it a point to put distance between it and the government of Israel, going so far as to deliberately slight its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. At the same time it attempted an policy of engagement with America's enemies in the Middle East, particularly Iran. It also supported regime change in Egypt and in Libya, the latter with military force.If only.... This doesn't represent a strategic change. It represents electoral politics. If October rolls around with Iran touting a nuclear weapon, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and possibly Syria as Islamist states, and Israel under attack from Hamas and Hezbullah, the American electorate might realize how badly Obama has screwed up.
The result of this policy has been an emboldened Iran, perhaps made desperate by growing sanctions, and radicalized Arab governments in countries such as Egypt. The Middle East has traditionally been a mess for many centuries. The Obama administration unarguably made things worse.
Belatedly, it looks like the Obama administration is attempting to repair military ties with Israel while stepping up sanctions and perhaps covert operations against Iran. There is even some consideration of intervention in the Syria rebellion in order to hasten regime change, according to Foreign Policy.
Will this change of policy be too late to prevent a new Middle East war? Only time will tell.
Priorities man, priorities.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Campaign 2012, US - Israel relationship
The depth of the crisis in the capitalist system is what is the starting point in my view.
They cannot solve this crisis this side of Fascism. See the inability to solve the debt problem and the certain break up of the Euro.
The Alliance of the US and the EU with Islam and The Muslim Brotherhood is real and very deep.
This is very natural for Obama of course because he has deep roots inside Islam, and he sat in Rev Wright's Church for a very long time. Wright also is very sympathetic to The Muslim Brotherhood.
I think the Alliance is on with Ahmadinejad. Much of the verbiage between Obama and Ahmadinejad is pure theatre, THAT is for electoral purposes.
These folk would like very much to smash Israel and a Nuclear type Holocaust is a real possibility.
I was writing on this just this morning:
Commenting a stage further than the above, I would agree and say, the arrival of US troops in Israel bodes ill and that they are there expressly to prevent Israel launching any sort of attack OR DEFENCE, regarding Iran. And eventually I feel, if obama gets in for a second term, those same troops stationed there, (and those huge and mysterious holding areas in the south of the country, built by arabs for the US), will be there to prevent Israel fighting for her borders, as obama will cut Israel in two. Just saying.
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