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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nameless terrorists kill nameless victims

In its continuing efforts to deny the reality of Islamic terrorism, the Obama administration issued the following statement on Christmas Day after Islamic terrorists murdered 39 Christians in Nigeria.
"We condemn this senseless violence and tragic loss of life on Christmas Day. We offer our sincere condolences to the Nigerian people and especially those who lost family and loved ones. We have been in contact with Nigerian officials about what initially appear to be terrorist acts and pledge to assist them in bringing those responsible to justice."
The Zionist Organization of America commented:
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed concern that President Barack Obama's official statement about this horrific massacre of Christians at three different churches by a group of Muslim terrorists mentions neither the Muslim perpetrators nor the Christian victims when clearly the intentional aim of the Islamist terrorists was to murder Christians at several churches. The attacks in Nigeria over the Christmas period resulted in the murder of 39 Christians and the maiming of dozens more, the majority of those killed dying on the steps of a Catholic church that was targeted as congregants were exiting following mass. The Nigerian terrorist assaults were perpetrated by the Boko Haram (meaning 'Western culture is forbidden') Islamist group, sometimes referred to as the 'Nigerian Taliban.' The Boko Haram has been responsible for the deaths of of 504 people this year alone.... The statement... gave literally no clue as to the Muslim identity of the perpetrators or to the fact that Christians were deliberately murdered.

This avoidance of any mention of the Muslim identity and inspiration of various terrorists who have assaulted non-Muslims, including the United States, has been a worrying staple of President Obama. Presidential statements on the anniversaries of the 1983 killing of 242 U.S. servicemen in Lebanon by Hizballah or the 1979 seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran, both failed to mention the perpetrators of these acts. The U.S. report on the Fort Hood massacre of 13 U.S. soldiers by Islamist killer, Dr. Nidal Hassan, the was no reference to either Hassan's Muslim identity or his adherence to jihadist doctrine.

Obama Administration officials generally speak of particular terrorist attacks as being the work of isolated extremists, even when Islamist terrorist connections (for example, between Fort Hood sniper Nidal Hassan and the American-born Al-Qaida in Yemen leader, Anwar al-Awlaki, who advised him) were readily traceable. Also, the Administration has refused almost uniformly to refer to 'Islamism,' 'radical Islam' and 'jihad.' John O. Brennan, Obama's chief national security adviser for counterterrorism, has even explicitly refused to refer to 'jihad' of 'Islamists,' even though the doctrines of jihad and Islamism are the direct inspiration for the attacks in question. Brennan said, "describing our enemy in religious terms would lend credence to the lie propagated by al Qaeda and its affiliates to justify terrorism, that the United States is somehow at war against Islam ... Nor do we describe our enemy as jihadists or Islamists because jihad is holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam meaning to purify oneself of one's community."
Read the whole thing.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. It's also burying your head in the sand like the Obama administration.

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At 3:00 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

I don't think he has his head buried in the sand. I think Obama knows exactly what the lay of the land is in Africa through his connections to his cousin Odinga in Kenya. I think there is an attitude that physically attacking people around you that you disagree with is the way to go... the U.S. Constitution provided a way for people from all different cultures to live side by side, with opportunities, without attacks. But the Obama posse is not following even the most basic law and I am not in the least convinced (given their nonchalant distribution of guns to drug gangbangers in Mexico and the U.S., for example) that the Obama people are not willing to kill and maim even U.S. citizens to get their way. The Christians seem to have made headway in Africa, so Obama will understand that his associates there will need to cut them back and he will run interference for them. Carl is way to nice saying the head in the sand thing given that guns to monsters in Mexico (and the U.S.) is the mode of the hour for the Obama people.


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