Ahmed Tibi attacks the United States

What's more astounding is whom Tibi goes after. Much of his article goes after House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va), and it does so in an incredibly disingenuous manner. Here are two examples.
The arrogance of some American politicians and presidential candidates toward the Palestinians and Palestinian national aspirations is breathtaking. Last week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor stated, "If the Palestinians want to live in peace in a state of their own, they must demonstrate that they are worthy of a state." He appeared to hold all Palestinians responsible for the violence of a few.'Violence of a few'? You've got to be kidding. While the percentage of 'Palestinians' who support 'armed resistance' and outright terror against Israel has allegedly declined, violence is still supported by far more than a 'few' 'Palestinians.' Moreover, incitement against the Jewish state in 'Palestinian' media and in the 'Palestinian' educational system - both of which are controlled by the 'Palestinian Authority' - continues unabated. Perhaps that's why Cantor says that the 'Palestinians' must demonstrate that they are worthy of a state? Perhaps he means that they must demonstrate an as-yet-unexpressed willingness to accept and live in peace with their neighbors and not to make additional demands?
Back to Tibi:
A man living in a glass home ought not to throw such stones. Cantor's remarks ignored the fact that Americans engaged in genocidal violence and enslavement when establishing the United States of America. He vilifies a Palestinian "culture of resentment and hatred" yet says not a word about his own Richmond neighborhoods that still extol the virtues of Confederate leaders who fought to uphold slavery.He's got to be kidding. Slavery has not existed in the United States in nearly 150 years. Even when it did exist, it exploited blacks, but did not randomly murder them. It was not enforced or promoted by suicide bombers or by machine gun-wielding plantation owners. Tibi's comparison is absurd and ought to be offensive to the very people he is trying to convince.
Read the whole thing. Tibi and the 'Palestinians' are clearly not ready for prime time.
Labels: Ahmed Tibi, Eric Cantor, Palestinian people
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