Your tax dollars at work: Obama administration training Islamists for Egypt's November 28 elections

Taylor’s office has been giving Egyptian Islamists training to prepare for the election contests that begin on November 28. He justified it by saying that the assistance is open to all parties and the U.S. wouldn’t pick sides. “Sometimes, Islamist parties show up, sometimes they don’t,” he said nonchalantly.Read the whole thing.
When asked how the U.S. would feel if the Muslim Brotherhood won Egypt’s elections, he said, “I think we will be satisfied, if it is a free and fair election. What we need to do is judge people and parties and movements on what they do, not what they’re called.” The answer seemed to infer that critics of the Brotherhood are needlessly alarmed by the name of the group.
It gets worse. Taylor compared the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood to Tunisia’s Ennahda Party, as if that is a positive example to follow. “As long as parties, entities do not espouse or conduct violence, we’ll work with them.” He said there is undue fear of the Islamists. “This is something that we are used to, and should not be afraid of. We should deal with them.”
It is hard to imagine a statement more frightening and naïve coming from a senior official.
Once again, this derives from Obama's idealized view of the Muslim world based upon his childhood in Indonesia. He just can't get that the idols of his youth are Jew haters. Or he doesn't care. What could go wrong?
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Egyptian elections, Islamist, Muslim Brotherhood
The most parsimonious explanation for Obama's behavior vis-a-vis Islam is the HE IS A MUSLIM!
It's not that he "can't get it" or "doesn't care" or that he simply retains a soft spot in his heart for Islam after his childhood in Indonesia.
Trinity United Church in Chicago and Rev. Wright could hardly be called Christian, after all.
Charles, I couldn't agree with you more. --- Carl wrote; "He just can't get that the idols of his youth are Jew haters." ----------- I have seen nothing in this mans [obama] past that would make me think he doesn't agree with all of his as you say 'idols' in his Jew hatred. May G-d protect Israel if obama is reelected, because you can bet obama will not be looking to help protect Israel.
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