Pa Pa Pa Panetta wants the Jews to take a hit for the World economy

Panetta, speaking to reporters traveling with him to Canada, said the United States believed the most effective way to confront Iran still was to use diplomatic pressure and sanctions to try to curb the Islamic state's nuclear program.Hey Leon - we did our 'share' and then some for the World economy two generations ago. We're going to live, God willing. And if we have to wipe out Iran's nuclear capability because your cowardly President doesn't have the junk to do it, we'll do that too. And if that means the price of a barrel of oil goes to $300, we really couldn't care less. When your life is on the line - God forbid - nothing else matters. You should have thought about those economic consequences for the last three years as you've been dragging your feet on sanctions.
"Obviously to go beyond that raises our concerns about the unintended consequences that could result," Panetta said.
He pointed to a US analysis that a strike on Iran would set back its nuclear program, which Iran says is only for peaceful purposes, by one or two years at most. It would also have implications for US forces in the region.
"And I have to tell you, thirdly, there are going to be economic consequences to that, that could impact not just on our economy but the world economy," Panetta said.
"So those things all need to be considered."
Panetta is due to attend a security forum in Halifax, Canada, where he will also hold bilateral talks with [Israeli Defense Minister Ehud] Barak on Friday.
"I've made those points before and I'll discuss them again," Panetta said, asked about what message he would deliver to Barak.
And by the way - make sure to tell the Germans about those 'economic consequences' too - nothing else seems to move them.
Labels: Ehud Barak, Iranian nuclear threat, Leon Panetta
Seems like the groundwork is already being layed to blame Israelis / Jews for doing the job that the World governments are unwilling to do and the after effects.
Jews are already being blamed for the World Economy as it is atm, so whats new?
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