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Thursday, November 10, 2011

An embarrassment

The London Daily Telegraph's Niles Gardiner makes Barack Hussein Obama sorry that he returned that bust of Winston Churchill. Obama, says Gardiner, is an embarrassment.
But you expect a far higher standard from the US president when he is describing the leader of a close American partner. It demonstrates not only a lack of judgment, but also a disregard for traditional American alliances, something we have seen on numerous occasions with his administration’s treatment of Great Britain. While the Obama presidency has moved with the speed of a tortoise in condemning the beating and killing of political protesters in places like Iran and Syria, it has pounced with panther-like agility in condemning every move Israel makes to build more settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank, as though Israel’s desire to build more homes for its own people is an affront to civilisation. The White House’s rapid condemnation of the Israelis last week was a case in point.

In the meantime, Iran, a rogue state that threatens to wipe Israel off the map, is now agonosingly close to building a nuclear bomb, less than three years after President Obama extended the hand of friendship to Tehran. There is something monumentally rotten about a Carter-esque foreign policy that rewards enemies while giving allies a boot in the face. The president’s shameless mocking of a major friend of the United States whose nation faces the biggest threat in its history, is an embarrassment for the leader of the free world and hardly an example of “smart power".

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At 2:10 AM, Blogger Sunlight said...

All I can say is that the Euros have been sliming the U.S. for decades... I remember seeing/hearing people mocking the "cowboy" Bush in Paris. Out on the street. So if the Euros want the U.S. to be more traditional, I can only suggest that they teach their children enough courtesy not to endlessly attempt to shame the people providing your defense and a big bunch of economic activity. It might make you feel better for a moment, but isn't a good idea. Come to think of it, I'm not sure the U.S. can ever please the Euros, as this article shows. So I'd say we maybe should stop trying. We'll get a govt better for the American people that way.

At 2:20 AM, Blogger Suleiman Kahani said...

Hail Ahmadinejad!

Hail Iran!

Death to israhell!


Learn to swim, the Mediterranean awaits!

At 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Niles Gardiner doesn't speak for Brits, he supports a transatlantic alliance US/British that most Brits oppose. Just ask Blair

Your cherrypicking stuff, (gardiner is based in the US)

His most stupid assertion (outright lie in fact) was the one where he said Americans are becoming conservative. His whole post was a load of horse manure. Why did he not present any British polls to back up his fantasies? When Blair tried to follow what he advocates he was booted out.

Just look at the recent elections

He lauds the tea party, a movement that has actually split the Republicans and ensured their defeat, if there were a chance that the Obama team would not win in 2012, which is not

Blind to reality.

At 3:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absent Dad, adored by Mommy, the center of attention and raised on a diet of superficial concepts, second-hand ersatz radical-chic, and dollops of self-esteeem--this is a guy who managed to succeed--and he did succeed within the "meritocracy" of the intelligentsia, not to mention winning the Presidency (even with media support compare to Cain's blundering clumsiness)--without the experience to smelt setbacks into wisdom and get a sense of how intractable the real world can be. No sechel. An anti-mensch.


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