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Sunday, October 02, 2011

A fighting chance?

There's a lot not to like about Israel's current government, but I have to give them credit for one thing: At least they're not rolling over and playing dead for the 'international community.' Instead, the Foreign Ministry is preparing a report for the United Nations (we'll ignore the question of why it wasn't prepared before) detailing why the 'Palestinians' aren't ready for a 'state.'
Israel is expected to submit a document to the UN Security Council that explains reasons why the Palestinians are not prepared for independent statehood, Israel Radio reported Sunday, including that the Palestinians have failed to hold national or local elections.

According to Israel Radio, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman instructed the Foreign Ministry's legal department to draft the report.
In the meantime, both Israel and the 'Palestinians' continue to lobby the countries that are members of the Security Council in a bid to make sure that the nine votes required for a 'Palestinian state' aren't there (in Israel's case) or to obtain the nine votes (in the 'Palestinians' case).
If nine members of the Security Council vote in favor of the Palestinian state bid, the resolution will pass, unless one of the council's five permanent members uses a veto.

While the US, one of those five, has said before that it would veto the Palestinian resolution, it has also stated that it would rather not be forced to use the veto.
What could go wrong? How badly does Obama want to avoid using that veto?

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