'God has no respect for Turkey'

In his weekly sermon Saturday night, Shas' spiritual leader dismissed the escalating crisis between Ankara and Jerusalem and expressed his hope that the fate of "Israel's enemies" will be similar to that of their predecessors throughout history.Maybe Rav Yosef would consider doing a pulsa d'nura for Erdogan. Heh.
The rabbi concluded the sermon, which dealt with the "Ki Teitzei" Torah portion and matters relating to Elul – the month of mercy and Selichot, with the following statement: "Turkey, Burkey, God Almighty couldn't care less about them.
"It's all nonsense. If God lays his hands on them for one moment – they'll be made miserable in a minute. We believe in the salvation of God Almighty. We have God Almighty and we are his sons. The one who defeated Pharaoh, Egypt and Haman – will defeat all of Israel's enemies."
Labels: pulsa d'nura, Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, Turkish obsession with Israel
i have much respect for the rav, but isnt it wiser that in this time, we should all be saying tehilim and doing teshuva and not place our faith that we are above hashem using a foreign entity to punish us?
not fearing turkey, just fearing hashem
especially when i keep reading news reports of frum yidden battling each other over proximity of schools
we need achdus more than ever...only way to combat the soneh yirael
The Rav said what's on the mind of every Jew. Israel doesn't need to genuflect before Turkey and Egypt. In my opinion, relations with them are not worth sacrificing Israel's national pride for and endangering Jewish lives. They're the ones who reject maintaining relations with the Jewish State. Israel should stop trying to impress people who hate its guts. Its embarrassing.
Rav Yosef said the right thing for once.
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