Obama and Clinton's new 'global counter-terrorism forum': No Israel

As stated in President Obama’s National Counterterrorism Strategy, the U.S. is committed to strengthening the global counterterrorism (CT) architecture in a manner that complements and reinforces the CT work of existing multilateral bodies. The Administration’s signature initiative in this area is the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF), which is intended to ensure the necessary international architecture is in place to address 21st century challenges.Notice who is missing: NO ISRAEL! And instead we get Turkey - whose government supported the IHH, which sent the terror ship Mavi Marmara to break Israel's weapons blockade against Gaza.
The U.S. proposed the creation of the GCTF to address the evolving terrorist threat in a way that would bring enduring benefits by helping frontline countries and affected regions acquire the means to deal with threats they face. It is based on a recognition that the U.S. alone cannot eliminate every terrorist or terrorist organization. Rather, the international community must come together to assist countries as they work to confront the terrorist threat.
Who: The 30 founding members of the GCTF are: Algeria, Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Morocco, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Structure: The GCTF will consist of a strategic-level Coordinating Committee, co-chaired initially by the United States and Turkey; five thematic and regional expert-driven working groups; and a small administrative unit that the U.S. will host for the first few years.
I wonder why they didn't include Iran and Syria while they were at it. They're not much worse than Turkey.
And note all those other countries which have cozy relationships with Hamas, Hezbullah and/or al-Qaeda.
Are you outraged yet? Outraged enough to go to the polls and vote this administration OUT of office?
Welcome Power Line readers.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Islamic terrorism
Bahrain and Yemen, 2 victim countries of terrorism are also not invited.
Again, halfbaked bs from the golfing clown in the WH
Hi Carl.
You know how i feel about this 'administration' nothing can surprise me from Herr Obama.
Ready to vote them out of office- unfortunately a year to go. I wish we in the US could hold a referendum vote each year to determine if there will be a national election sooner than the current system provides...
Ready to vote them out of office- unfortunately a year to go. I wish we in the US could hold a referendum vote each year to determine if there will be a national election sooner than the current system provides...
They don't even bother to hide their hatred for Israel any more! This will be war to the death; I'm so ready!
Spent time at a state fair registering voters. In a blue state, a bunch signed up (R) who had never voted before, some changed from (I) or (D) to (R)... U.S. voters need to remember a couple of things. 1) You (still, as of now) have a private, secret ballot. So even if you don't have the nerve to take the ridicule from your lib friends and family to change your registration to (R) so you can vote in the (R) primaries, you can walk into the voting booth and vote the all-(R) ticket until we restore balance in the U.S. back to being a free country. Then if the (D) party returns to some semblance of reason, we can start voting back and forth between the parties again, like we've always done before. 2) Any third party will mean the end of the U.S. as we know it. The (D)s will win in perpetuity if anybody starts a third party (I'm looking at you, Tea Party. I'm happy for your energy, but remember how it went with Ross Perot! Even if it is tempting to do, don't start a third party). 3) It is no one's business how you intend to vote or how you actually do vote. Think up an answer to give when your lib friends or your boss at work pressure you. Because you know the libs will try to "shun" or worse any defectors... Get ready for it. It will take many election cycles. Be tough.
Contact your representative in Congress, the American Jewish organizations, and your local news media to make sure that this news story gets out. Simply complaining on the blog won't do much to either advance the issue or help elect someone other than Obama. We need to spread the news - that's how democracy works. I already sent the link to this news story to a couple of places. I hope that they will pick it up and report it.
Nothing will come of this...it is the fox guarding the henhouse again and pandering to the Muslims.
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