Syrian defense minister resurrected?

Former Syrian Defense Minister Ali Habib appeared on Syrian state-owned television Wednesday in order to dispel rumors of his death, which were published by websites affiliated with Syrian opposition groups.Anyone who speaks Arabic, please let me know if you see any indications that the video below might have been pre-recorded and that Habib may actually be dead.
"My health condition has kept me from continuing in my position, and I was hospitalized for a few days in order to receive treatment," he explained.
Habib also expressed his loyalty to Syrian President Bashar Assad, and stressed that he would "remain a loyal soldier of the Syrian Arab army," despite being ousted by the Syrian leader earlier this week.
"A number of news agencies waging an incitement campaign against our country have published unfounded reports regarding the circumstances of my resignation," he said, wishing his replacement success.
Let's go to the videotape.
Labels: Bashar al-Assad, Syrian uprising
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