During appearance by Norwegian Foreign Minister, Norwegian youth camp urged boycott of Israel
During an appearance by Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store at a Norwegian youth camp on Thursday, the Foreign Minister was urged to support the anti-Israel BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) movement.A terrorist attacked the same camp on Friday, murdering more than 80 camp participants, and set off a bomb at a government office building in Oslo, murdering seven other people.

Jonas Gahr Store: - The occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen nowThere are already people out there trying to blame this on Israel and on supporters of Norway's Progress party. Neither had anything to do with this.
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AUF WANT BOYCOTT: Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store was met by demands that Norway must recognize a Palestinian state when he visited the Labour Youth League summer camp at Utøya Thursday. Here the Minister ushered around in the camp of the AUF leader Eskil Pedersen. (Reuters)
During the second day of Labour Youth League summer camp at Utøya got the Labour Party's young hopefuls visit by Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store.
Together with the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation correspondent Sidsel Wold and Norwegian People's Aid Kirsten Belck-Olsen, discussed the Foreign Minister of the deadlock between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
As foreign minister arrived Utøya he was met with a demand from the AUF that Norway must recognize a Palestinian state.
- The Palestinians must have their own state, the occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen now, said the Foreign Minister to cheers from the audience.
After the Sabbath ended, Prime Minister Netanyahu issued a statement expressing Israel's identification with the 'deep pain and grief' of the Norwegian people.
The Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that Israel "expresses its shock at the revolting terror attacks in Oslo, which have taken the lives of innocent victims. Nothing at all can justify such wanton violence, and we condemn this brutal action with the utmost gravity."Goyim (non-Jews) murder goyim and the Jews get blamed. The more things change, the more they stay the same....
The statement said that Israel would offer Norway any assistance it may require, an offer repeated in a phone conversation Defense Minister Ehud Barak had with his counterparts in Norway. The Norwegians, according to a statement issued by Barak's office, thanked Israel for the offer, but said that at this time they did not need any assistance.
Israel offered forensic assistance, help in evacuating the wounded, and medical support.
Labels: Jonas Gahr Store, Norway, Oslo bombing, Utoya massacre
Like I always like to say, hatred of the Jews and Israel leads to no good end.
Not that I expect to see amends from Norway anytime soon!
Thanks for linking my post, I suppose.
At a time when terrorism is being met with a historic return to non-violent conflict resolution, a pro forma expression of sympathy would be in order, even if insincere.
Someone killing antisemites doesn't upset me at all
Jonas Gahr Støre: – Norge står klar til å anerkjenne en palestinsk stat
Jonas Gahr Store: - Norway is ready to recognize a Palestinian state
Murdoch Empire calls Norway "antisemitic"
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