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Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Wallowing in politcal correctness

What's the most politically correct thing you can think of doing today? How about denying the existence of 'Islamophobia'? Unfortunately, we have reached the point where despite many more anti-Semitic attacks on a much smaller number of people, the chattering classes are insisting on equating anti-Semitism with an imaginary hatred called 'Islamophobia.' Phyllis Chesler tries to sort it all out.
Did you know that Jews and Muslims have a shared history in Europe? That Muslims have “deep roots” on the European continent and that Muslims are as imperiled by “Islamophobia” as Jews are by anti-Semitism?

Nothing could be further from the truth, and yet the first Gathering of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders issued a statement on May 9th and just held a meeting in Brussels on May 30, 2011. Oddly enough, the meeting was organized by two American Jewish groups, Rabbi Marc Schneier’s Foundation For Ethnic Understanding and philanthropist Ronald Lauder’s World Jewish Congress, as well as by the European Jewish Congress.

No Muslim organization seems to have shared in organizing the meeting, although two organizations and more than a dozen Muslim leaders attended and signed the joint declaration.

Can you believe this? It this some kind of exercise in dhimmitude and self-delusion? Why are the Jews doing the heavy lifting for the far wealthier Muslim world? More important: Why support such dangerously misguided concepts?

At this moment in world history, why are Jews confusing “Islamophobia” with anti-Semitism? One understands that Muslims might want to assume whatever is left of Jewish victimhood and make it their own—but why are Jews enabling them to do so? If the Muslims are coming in great good faith, they would state some obviously truths, beginning with the Koranic roots of Jew- and infidel-hatred and the contemporary Islamist/genocidal intentions towards the Jewish State. Indeed, a new kind of statement from Muslims would include their understanding of–and desire to break from–the historical Muslim persecution of Jews and infidels in Muslim-majority countries.
Continue reading here. One cannot help but wonder what sort of mental disease would cause Jewish 'leaders' to organize a conference like this. I used to think highly of Ron Lauder (who is or was a confidant of Prime Minister Netanyahu. No more.

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At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This woman, Chesler, who makes cherrypicked assertions, bases her world view on her own failed marriage to an Afghan

More later, about her dubious findings..

At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't Schneier take a day off and go to the library to read some history?!

At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is a group of Jews trying to help Muslims, however fine, by appealing to European governments not to “pander to right wing forces” which are

It's not about helping Muslims. It's about an effort to fight a common threat, not least in the calls to ban Halal/Kosher slaughter. It's also an effort to tackle the "anti semitism" from Muslims which rises up each time the Israel/Palestine conflict flares into war.

The xenophobia from the far right isn't just targeted at Muslims, nor soley for the reasons that Chesler mentioned,

Her gross distortion:

One understands that Muslims might want to assume whatever is left of Jewish victimhood and make it their own—but why are Jews enabling them to do so? If the Muslims are coming in great good faith, they would state some obviously truths, beginning with the , Koranic roots of Jew- and infidel-hatred , and the contemporary Islamist/genocidal intentions towards the Jewish State. ,

are dealt a blow here here

The Full-Blown Return of Anti-Semitism in Europe
After WWII, European anti-Semitism seemed to disappear. It's back, to a very disquieting degree.


Although it is not exactly the same anti-Semitism that in the 1930's, it is not fully different.

It is an anti-Semitism that is widespread in the Muslim population that settled in Europe, , and it would be easy to think that it is strictly an Islamic phenomenon ,, but the, anti-Semitism as it exists today in the Muslim world was, heavily influenced by the old European anti-Semitism. And what the Muslim immigrants bring with them can easily find resonances in European non-Muslim populations. , Copies of fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Arabic are sold in Islamic bookstores from one end of the continent to the other, and they also circulate abundantly again in many European languages, under the mantle or via internet.

More deeply, the non-Jews of Europe might feel that if they can paint the Jews as evil, then perhaps what their parents and grandparents did to them during World War II was not really so bad after all; you could even say they deserved what they got. As some Scandinavians put it, The Jews killed Christ; at least the Muslims did not do that.

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More clarifications:

or even tortured to death, as was Ilan Halimi of France.

Ilan Halimi was killed by a black supremacist group, who happened to be Muslims. What Chesler doesn't mention is that any kind of racial supremacy is a no no in Islam. There is no racism in Islam.

No Muslim organization seems to have shared in organizing the meeting, although two organizations and more than a dozen Muslim leaders attended and signed the joint declaration.

There are many Muslim groups in Europe that promote interfaith harmony, to say nothing of the 57 member Organisation of the Islamic Conference that represents all Muslims countries, and which Russia is a part of.

But what do facts matter

Can't Schneier take a day off and go to the library to read some history?!

Are you same Shyguy at Israellycool? If yes, then how about you take a break from banging your head on the wall. It increases your arrogance rather than making you more humble seeing as you think Rabbi Marc Schneier’s lacks in knowledge, that an apparent genius like you gleans whilst getting epiphanies from God, no doubt? Mere mortals like the Shneier have to go to the libarary.


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