Navy officially ordered to stop the flotilla of fools

During the meeting, cabinet ministers voted in favor of a Navy plan to prevent the upcoming flotilla from arriving in Gaza and giving the IDF authority to prevent the ships' arrival by any means necessary while trying to avoid casualties.Maybe we can trade the 'peace activists' for Gilad Shalit.
The ministers agreed that flotilla participants will be allowed unload their cargo in the Egyptian port of El-Arish and at the Ashdod Port, from where they will be transferred on land to Gaza after being checked, according to Israel Radio.
However, ships that will try to continue on to Gaza will be checked, and their participants will be arrested.
Earlier Monday, Israel and Egypt agreed to the arrangement whereby ships taking part in the flotilla could unload cargo at El-Arish.
Labels: Audacity of Hope, flotilla of fools, Gaza plenty, MV Saoirse
Standard navy ship and crew with a 4 or 5 inch deck gun.
Fire warning shot over the bow.
Still not stopping? Shoot to disable the engines/propellers or preferably shoot below the water line.
Return home.
Minimal risk. Minimal resources. maximum punch.
Stupid Jews.
If it is true that the UN is set to release a report vindicating the IDF, even after we killed 9 of theirs:
I say go in guns blazing! If we were right the first time, why would we be wrong the second time?
do not allow barak anywhere near the operation...he purposefully goofed up the last one
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