Melanie Phillips on Michele Bachmann

Melanie also has a timely post in which she discusses Michele Bachmann's pro-Israel bona fides, and concludes that Bachmann gets it. As I am sure many of you have heard, on Monday, Bachmann announced that she is running for President of the United States.
Yup, Michele Bachmann gets it -- and how. Bachmann is a Christian. Christianity owes its existence to Judaism. An unbreakable thread links Judaism, Christianity and America. Israel embodies American and western values. Abandon Israel and you abandon America and destroy the west. That is what Obama is doing. That is what Bachmann – a candidate for the US presidency -- has said in this video. She got to the heart of it -- why the west is going down, why Israel is the key issue of our time, why the drum now being beaten by Obama and the western left against Israel is the very same drum that is being beaten against America and the west itself.Read the whole thing.
The implications for American politics are crystal clear. Israel should become the driving issue for Republicans.
Labels: Campaign 2012, Melanie Phillips, Michele Bachmann
Melanie Philips..more on her later
lol...chayma...more on her now
member of the jew hating mondoweiss, blumenthal, dickie crowd
says she is muslim and i believe her, as she is well versed in using al taquiah
but carl...please, i beg you...stop with the pimping of bachman and palin
neither have a shot at president...neither are taken seriously...
bachman is a fringe candidate who straight out lies about everything...or says nutty things on the floor, then refuses to admit to them, even when shown the video tapes
she is b52 bob in a skirt
hooray..she supports does the majority of both aisles
obama is gonna end up just like carter...his mideast policy a failure, because his party wont back him on it
but dont make israel a partisan issue...its dangerous
LOL Chayma. Nothing more need be said about our intern Muslima.
hmmm, the Democrats politicized Israel a long time ago by enabling, sheltering, and mainstreaming left-wing anti-Zionist memes through their nutroots blogosphere, the anti-Zionist academic dhimmis, a large portion of their anti-"neocon" base, and, intermittently, their Obama White House. Yes, for now, Democrats in Congress cheer Bibi and back resolutions contra the latest Obama line. But it is no accident that Obama holds the views he does, or cultivated them in the groves of Chicago and academe.
bacci40 - Could you please post links to a bunch of video examples of the generalization that she "straight out lies about everything"?
"bachman is a fringe candidate who straight out lies about everything...or says nutty things on the floor, then refuses to admit to them, even when shown the video tapes"
Who knows who the candidate will be for the (R)s. But I would like more specifics on this statement...
I watched the video - right on Michele! Now, if we can get the rest of the GOP line up to 'line up'!
A fringe candidate??? Bachmann is no such thing! She's a true conservative with a proven record. She's not hiding her records, like HRH Emperor Barack Hussein. I, for one, would be delighted to have her be elected to be the first female POTUS.
"She volunteered on a Negev kibbutz in 1974 when Rep. Bachmann said she “came to the understanding that Israel is not merely the cradle of our faith but is the greatest strategic asset that the United States has in the region."
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